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Ndeye Geye

School of Hope, Yeumbeul, Senegal



Klasse / Osztály / Classe


Geboren in / Született / Né(e) en


The third-grade girl, born in 2014, is very smart, usually top of the class. She really likes going to school, she likes "history" (the subject about the country and its tribes). His father completed elementary school, his mother is illiterate. They live with the extended family and help each other. The parents sell perfume and mosquito repellent in shops and markets. The family currently has 2 children, Ndeye is the older one. She likes to study and go to school. He smiles a lot, "there is nothing wrong with him", says his mother. She likes to play with dolls, she has a small toy doll. She helps with cleaning and washing dishes at home. It is sometimes difficult to provide enough food for the family, says his mother.

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